4 Voices of Quantization with 10 Octaves range
Keyboard Mode (using Buttons as triggers)
User definable Scales: any scale is possible.
Simple Intuitive menu with settings such as:
User definable NOTES Intervals for Chord generation
Quantization types: Above, Below, Ignore
Definable Gate Out Length
Octave Offsets
Menu Reaction Time can be adjusted and saved.
Assignable CV Input for Menu Functions
5 Diferent Scale Temperaments including Bohlen-Pierce
Microtonal options for more than 12 notes per Octave
Transpose through CV input
Compatible with both Moog and Buchla Standards
Independent Voice Fine Tunning
Tuning Reset to 1v/perOctave
Tuning settings safely stored in non-volatile memory.
11 User Presets for easy recalling User’s favorite scales and settings.
Note: All specifications and features are subject to change without previous notice.
. Format: Eurorack
. Width: 10 HP
. Depth: 5.2 cm
Control Voltage I/O:
. CV inputs: ± 5v
. CV outputs: +10v
. Max current: +140mA/-70mA
. Bus Board Cable: 8 × 2 IDC (Doepfer style) connector
Note: All specifications and features are subject to change without previous notice.
Here's a review video from MylarMelodies, fullscreen recommended!
Custom Panel
In case you're wondering: Sure! We can get you a custom coloured front panel for the ADDAC207.
It has an additional cost and takes 4 to 6 weeks to be ready.
At the moment the ADDAC207 standard panel colour is Black.
A custom colour panel can be done in either Red, Green, Blue, White, Silver Gray, Yellowed Silver, and Dark or Light Bronze.
Print colour varies between Black, White, or Red, Yellow, Blue and Green. We recommend lighter-tone print for darker panels, and vice-versa.
Please note: we don’t stock custom coloured panels. For every custom order we need to make a single panel order from our panel provider. This explains the panel price and lead time.
Firmware Update
The pdf below features all info regarding upgrading the ADDAC207 Module, including necessary hardware, physical connections and download links.
WARNING! We stopped supporting modules below serial #600. Older versions have a different architecture and cannot support the current firmware. Although it may seem tempting to buy a second-hand module in the hopes of having it updated or even refurbished in order to give it all the contemporary features, this would amount to an expense higher than purchasing a new module. Upon consultation, we can of course help you by servicing units that prove defective or broken due to circumstances that are not contingent upon the firmware the units can hold.
ADDAC207 Firmware Update Guide:
Last update version: M_3, April, 24th, 2021 (For Serial Numbers #600 and above)
M3 updates:
- Now in TRIG.R. menu Button 3 (D) sets ON/OFF state for GATE IN AUTO RESET —> LED ON = Auto Reset ON
M2 updates:
. TRACKING QUANTIZED INPUTS: improved the note detection algorithm when using already quantized cv sources
- Also allows better tracking for cv keyboards, in this case use both keyboard's gate and cv signal for better results.
M1 updates:
. TRANSPOSE: Added fine tune
- Now TRIG.R. menu Button 4 (D#) defines transpose offset for fine tuning with external quantized cv sources.
- This setting is saved in General Memory.
.STARTUP: Leds now show the Firmware version at startup.
- This firmware version M1 blinks as follows:
- M blinks E note (Button 5) also marked M (Mixolydian)
- 1 blinks C note (Button 1)
M0 updates:
. TRANSPOSE: Method improved, input is now 0 to +5v improved tracking resolution
. PRESETS ASSIGN: Leds now change upon detected cv change
.Changing Presets using the assign input does not save them as the last preset loaded.
L_3 updates:
. Added the functionality to save in the presets the new Assign function introduced in update L2.
L_2 updates:
Inspired by the Mylar Melodies video we're introducing a new Transposition method, as up to now the Quantizer would only transpose the scale defined by the user, now it also transposes the incoming CV!
.New Transposition method:
- Now on the Assign Menu you can select Button 11 (A#) to assign the CV input to the old Scale Transposition mode (used to be Button 1).
- You can also select Button 1 (C) to assign the Transposition to the Channels input cv, offseting the incoming notes like a voltage adder would but keeping the notes in the same scale.
- You can also Select both Button 1 and 11 to Transpose both the Scale and the Incoming notes.
K_4 updates:
.Corrected issue with saving and recalling Presets.