We're always available at: addac [at] addacsystem [dot] com © 2023 addacsystem.com
Price: 455.00 €



Here's our 4 Voice Heuristic Rhythm Generator and MIDI In/Out Expansion.

This module is a powerful rhythm generation machine! 
Features 4 voices of gate outputs (including inverted outputs for logic NOT sequences) where each voice can have independent lengths, all configurable with direct knobs and cv inputs.
Perfect for precise polyrhythmic patterns and all sorts of non-linear sequencing.

The module works by 6 different rhythm generation "algorithms / principles":
Euclidean (equal distribution)
Golomb Rulers (inequal distribution)
Probabilistic (predictable distribution)
Game Of Life (organic progression)
Footwork'n (inducted error progression)
Pong (voltage controlled Pong game)

Plus a 4 channel Gate Sequencer Mode with up to 32 steps and 16 storable presets.

More detailed info on each of these Modes and their specific controls can be seen on the screen by pressing the Info push button. So you'll never forget how it works.


Add ADDAC402B Expansion for full I/O MIDI control plus access to a powerful midi interface, with:
5 cv to MIDI channels (notes and/or cc)
4 midi to gate channels
All panel controls (knobs, switches and push buttons) as cc controls. 

All fully configurable with a MIDI learn feature for easier configuration.

Note: All specifications and features are subject to change without previous notice.



Format: Eurorack
Width: 20 HP
Depth: 5.5 cm
CV inputs: 0 to +10v
Max current: 150mA
Bus Board Cable: 8 × 2 IDC (Doepfer style) connector

Note: All specifications and features are subject to change without previous notice.



HD Video, Fullscreen Recommended!

Custom Panel

Custom Panel

In case you're wondering: Sure! We can get you a custom coloured front panel for the ADDAC402.
It has an additional cost and takes 4 to 6 weeks to be ready.

At the moment we have standard issue stock for either Black or Red panels for this module

A custom colour panel can be done in either Green, Blue, White, Silver Gray, Yellowed Silver, and Dark or Light Bronze.

Print colour varies between Black, White, or Red, Blue and Green. We recommend lighter-tone print for darker panels, and vice-versa.

Please note: we don’t stock custom coloured panels. For every custom order we need to make a single panel order from our panel provider. This explains the panel price and lead time.

Firmware Update

Firmware Update

The pdf below features all info regarding upgrading the ADDAC402 Module, including necessary hardware, physical connections and download links.

ADDAC402 Firmware Update Guide:


Last Firmware Update:
Version: J_2, May 12th, 2016
Download Links:
USB Serial adapter driver (install the correct version for your system):
Latest Firmware App:
Lastest Firmware File: 
XLoader Software: 
USB Serial adapter detailed driver installation:

Prices shown exclude VAT, outside EU all orders are VAT free.